Tuesday, March 25, 2014


I wonder if this company is still in business.

DIY Project

Gnome craft project! Easy if you have some felt, pine cones and extra horse tail hair around.

Monday, March 24, 2014

The Nose

This nose once belonged to Santa. Now it belongs to no man. Well, it's on my desk. If you want to buy it, I suppose it could belong to you.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Donation Stowaway

This baby chipmunk probably fell into the back of a truck full of donations heading to our store. We found him in the donation bay and he scampered outside. It was scorching hot and he was pretty lethargic. I was able to catch him safely and relocate him near a pond and trees. He is gorgeous and I was able to get really close to take these pictures. We named him Pete.

 He was so curious about my phone but I was hesitant to touch him so I didn't let him get quite that close.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Butterfly shirt.

This is the largest 4X shirt I've ever seen. I wear plus size clothing and 3 of me could fit.

Purple pants!

My boss was so excited about this find that he had to make it into a display. The shirt pockets look like eyes.

New motto

I know some people that could benefit from this!

Creepiest doll ever!


It has 3 faces!! Sleeping, crying and happy. The hair is stationary while the faces spin and spin into insanity.

Holographic Jesus

I just don't understand why.

Regular Jesus is welcome, drug-induced Jesus can knock somewhere else. Thanks!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


I work in an interesting place. I was wearing this just in case...


I felt beautiful until a child told me I looked like a grandma. Then she tried it on and giggled.

Mmm candy

Used candy at a thrift store is disturbing but this takes it to a whole new level.

True story

I love funny t- shirts. This one is gold.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's day

This customer donated his dignity long ago. Leprechaun Lee is entertaining and he has a heart of gold.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Team spirit?

I think it looks like a tooth. Is it supposed to be a horse butt? It was donated with a lot of Broncos memorabilia.


This little cutie was donated with a couch. He was so calm and easy to catch. It made me worried that he was sick. When I put him in the rocks though he zipped off.


I love the iridescent color and the crazy eyes. 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Leprosy doll

I just feel all sorts of bad for this doll. Missing nose, sunken face, cheeks look like he has a fever, target painted on his shield AND gray hair. There is also something wrong with his feet.

Chemo doll

Her hair was disintegrating....

I just want to shout out to all the survivors out there that went through hell and came out the other side. At the same time my heart breaks for the ones that have been devastated by cancer. I hope my joke wasn't offensive. <3

Mug shot

Free lipstick spot with purchase.

Geek plates

I kind of hate collectable plates but not these ones!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Used soap bar

I know we recycle gently used items but there is a line you shouldn't cross when donating. Used toiletries are really far past that line of demarcation.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

A little tipsy

I conveniently found the book to go with this leggy donation. I showed the wine cork to a customer and he said that was why he didn't drink anymore. I said, Because you kept falling into the bottle during drunken ballet? He nodded seriously. Well, that is how it would have happened if Hollywood had written the script. I made up the rest of the story after the word "bottle".

I heart t-shirt sayings

So this nice guy is moving and donated some stuff. This shirt is an example of his awesome level. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Beware of frog

He has an animal tail sticking out of his mouth. Cat or fluffy dog would be my guess.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Missing missile

I wonder if they ever found it. 

Not a crime

All the good stuff is printed on drink insulators.

Nipple covers

This is one of my volunteers modeling this donation. :)


So I thought this was so gross that I took a picture and then threw it away. I found out later it could be valuable. If it is an elk tooth, it could be ivory and they make jewelry out of them. They only have 2 teeth that are ivory. Some scientists believe they are remnants of saber-like tusks that their elk ancestors had and used in combat. All that would have been awesome to know before I threw it away. It still had tooth gristle stuff on it!

The secret of Strength

I love this mirror so much. "And find that it greatly aids me in the proper assimilation of food." Such a great line! His outfit is vintage-ly sexy and those horse straps are sturdy! Also, there is a hotty in the mirror!

Bag of disappointment

This is NOT a keyboard. It is a bag of wet paper towels and a stinky meat-like substance.