Friday, June 28, 2013


Sometimes I wish life were that easy. Usually I know that it is okay that life is challenging because we grow and rise to those challenges. But sometimes...

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Golf Cart

This vintage-looking golf cart was donated by a very sweet lady. The best part of the story is that the woman who bought it really needed it badly. She owns a large property with a long gravel driveway. She uses a jazzy scooter to get around because she is losing the ability to walk without pain and difficulty. The jazzy isn't meant for gravel. A few months ago, she hit a patch of rocks wrong and the handle bars flipped around and broke her ribs. This cart will make it a lot easier to get around her acreage and down her driveway to get her mail. I think that is great!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Fur covered

I was sorting through clothing when I came upon this interesting bag.

When I opened it up, I found this! A fur covered jock strap. Someone probably paid a lot for the man "The Duke" who has everything. This is a perfect white elephant gift!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Beaded thongs

I know these are probably not called thongs but I'm hoping for some Google search help. Maybe some Las Vegas show girls will be searching for some new underwear and stumble upon my blog. Hi! Part of my job is to research collectibles. These babies were listed at $150 on ebay. I tried them on.... ...    . ... ... (dramatic dots) they were the most painful things I've ever tried on at the store. Later, I figured out that I probably put the thongy part in the wrong spot. I will leave the rest up to your imagination because it will probably be funnier than reality.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Candy basket

This will hold candy and it IS candy! Yum! I'm always curious how old this stuff is but I can't get someone to donate radiocarbon dating equipment.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Keep it clean

I know this shirt is talking about all the fishy water in the world. I feel that it is understood that it meant the shirt as well. Someone didn't understand that part.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Baby monster hat

It is super cute! It is also funny and creepy when it is modeled by an adult man.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Color me rad

Although, they weren't rad enough to keep. Color Me Rad was a race they did in the area. There was also a Colorpalooza race I believe. Apparently it is more fun to run when getting pelted with colored dust. Maybe the inside lung area is pretty too!

Thursday, June 13, 2013


With all the gun issues lately, this one could become a collector's item!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


I kept looking around for big bird so he could clean up his bum fur he left behind.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Berry on top

You're never fully dressed without a smile... and a strawberry on your head.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Reality TV with a twist

My boss saved this for me on my desk. It came in during my vacation. He felt it was blog worthy. People create interesting things.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Ninja gear!

This is for real! They aren't available because I'm going to buy them and save them to gift to someone awesome. On the side of the boxes it says ninja shuko/ashiko. Traditional ninja climbing tool designed to be worn for climbing, scaling, ice walking, and defence. So COOL!